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Y5:April - All New Stringy Things - Strings Blog
2nd April 2013
Get used to seeing this, as you're going to see a lot of it.
The other day I asked for opinions on what April might bring.
Three people chipped up.

One was over at Curly's World of Freeware, where Tormuse suggested I should go with the Word Games.
Second, @moshboy suggested I should go with an unplanned stream of oddities.
Oooh, a Tie!!

Third was the deciding vote.
And worryingly it didn't even come from the internet.
Instead, My Mum suggested I should carry on doing Stringy Things.

So, Word Games it is.
Expect viewing figures to plummet, as AGameAWeek goes Word Game Crazy over the entirety of April.

Each and every Tuesday I'll be re-releasing this game, each week adding an exciting (*if you like word games) new game into the mix.


Since today's is the first release, we only have one little word game to play. But don't worry, it's a cracker, and it's the title game from the collection.

I first created the game "strings" back in Greenie's 8-bit Tiny Collection, where it was all done with nasty looking ascii characters. Since then it's evolved over a series of sequels and remakes, to become the lovely game that it is today.

You simply drag your mouse/finger over the bubbles to create words, then release.
The wordlist comes from "TWL06", but only contains words up to 12 letters long due to filesize constraints. (I may up it later, if anyone complains!)

The game also features "Made with my mouth!" popping sounds, and a whole bunch of bubbles to burst, you can be sure to enjoy the thing for hours, and hours, and hours and hours.. If you like that sort of thing.

I haven't planned any other games, yet, so if you'd like to suggest a particular type of word game, feel free to do so in the comments below.

You can Download All New Stringy Things here for Windows, Android or even play it in your browser.
Not enough for you?
Come back next week for another little extra!


AGAWScoring : 14 weeks, 14 games. *phew*
Views 183, Upvotes 27  
New games every week!
Site credits : All of the above : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 88

Blog - Y5:April - All New Stringy Things - Strings - AGameAWeek